[2021-10-31 02:09:34] Beginning of log [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Loading the create operation for prestashop (, stable)... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Fallback log file ready [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Pre-run checks successfully executed. We are in the user's directory (/homez.1593/ircuiwo) [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Will now fork for asymmetric operations... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Process forked. Starting the operations... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Starting 'create'... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Starting the creation of the temporary directory... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Temporary directory successfully created. [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Probing the server for the archive size... [2021-10-31 02:09:34] The archive size is 55590938 bytes and there is 5987175232 bytes remaining in the directory [2021-10-31 02:09:34] Starting fetching prestashop (stable) from the repository... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The module has been successfully downloaded [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The language-specific module files archive is not available, using the default one [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting loading the module's configuration... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Module's configuration loaded, the dependencies keywords will now be processed... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Standard keywords are about to be processed... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_NAME' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_PREFIX' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_DOMAIN' is now 'ircuiwo.cluster031.hosting.ovh.net' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_MODULE_FOLDER' is now 'www' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_SERVER' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_OLD_ADMIN_FOLDER' is now 'admin' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_COUNTRY' is now 'fr' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_MODULE_ADMIN_NAME' is now 'carl@cf-informatique.fr' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_PORT' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_USER_FIRSTNAME' is now 'Carl' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_PASSWORD' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_LANG_SHORT' is now 'fr' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Generating a 4 characters long 'int' value... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Value '9530' generated [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_MODULE_ADMIN_PATH' is now 'admin9530' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_ADMIN_EMAIL' is now 'carl@cf-informatique.fr' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_USER_LASTNAME' is now 'FLEMING' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_TIMEZONE' is now 'Europe/Paris' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_USER_PATH' is now '/homez.1593/ircuiwo' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The value for the non-compulsory keyword 'OVH_MODULE_URL' can't be found [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_MODULE_URL' is now '' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The keyword 'OVH_DB_USER' has already been parsed, looping to the next one... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Keyword 'OVH_ADMIN_PASSWORD' is set [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Module's configuration successfully loaded and computed [2021-10-31 02:09:38] got PHP version: '7.4' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Checking the dependencies connections... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Checking dependency mysql... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The connection to 'ircuiwo555.mysql.db' is effective [2021-10-31 02:09:38] All dependencies are available and their handlers are stored [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting to check dependencies statuses... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Checking status of dependency mysql... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Success [2021-10-31 02:09:38] All dependencies seems OK [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting to check for duplicates in dependencies... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Checking dependency mysql... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] No duplicate prefixes have been found in the MySQL database [2021-10-31 02:09:38] All dependencies seems good [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Creating the backup folder at 'OVH_BACKUP_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742'... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Backup folder successfully created [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting the dependencies backup... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Backuping dependency 'mysql'... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] No matching tables found on the 'ircuiwo555' MySQL database on 'ircuiwo555.mysql.db', nothing has been backuped [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Writing dump in file 'OVH_mysql_ircuiwo555.mysql.db_ircuiwo555_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742.dump'... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The dump 'OVH_mysql_ircuiwo555.mysql.db_ircuiwo555_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742.dump' has been successfully created [2021-10-31 02:09:38] All dependencies backed up [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting the creation of the module folder... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The module folder already exists at 'www', checking if it is empty or not... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The folder 'www' is not empty but only contains standard index file(s) so it will be reused; renaming the file(s)... [2021-10-31 02:09:38] The file 'www/index.html' has been successfully renamed to 'www/index.html.ovh.old' [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/index.php' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/.htaccess' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/.ovhconfig' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] We won't rename www/index.html.ovh.old because it was already moved [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/index.php.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/.htaccess.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Won't rename 'www/.ovhconfig.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:09:38] Starting the extraction of the module's files... [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Module files successfully extracted [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Starting the execution of the 'create' procedure... [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Doing command 'RUN '/usr/local/phpLATEST/bin/php --php-ini /usr/local/phpLATEST/etc/php.ini --file #OVH_MODULE_FOLDER#/install/index_cli.php -d sendmail_path='' -- --firstname="#OVH_USER_FIRSTNAME#" --lastname="#OVH_USER_LASTNAME#" --language="#OVH_LANG_SHORT#" --domain="#OVH_DOMAIN#" --db_server="#OVH_DB_SERVER#:#OVH_DB_PORT#" --db_user="#OVH_DB_USER#" --db_password="#OVH_DB_PASSWORD#" --db_name="#OVH_DB_NAME#" --db_clear="1" --prefix="#OVH_DB_PREFIX#" --country="#OVH_LANG_SHORT#" --password="#OVH_ADMIN_PASSWORD#" --email="#OVH_ADMIN_EMAIL#" --newsletter="0" --base_uri="#OVH_MODULE_URL#"' EXPECT '\-\- Installation successful\! \-\-''... [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Parsing the command about to be executed... [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:10:10] String parsed, 15 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:10:10] Command is parsed and will be run now [2021-10-31 02:11:21] Command executed successfully [2021-10-31 02:11:21] The command has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:21] Doing command 'DELETE 'install''... [2021-10-31 02:11:21] Starting the delete procedure... [2021-10-31 02:11:21] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:11:21] String parsed, 0 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:11:21] Removing resource 'www/install'... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The folder 'www/install' has been deleted recursively [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The delete procedure has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The command has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Doing command 'MOVE 'admin' TO '#OVH_MODULE_ADMIN_PATH#''... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Starting the move procedure... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] String parsed, 0 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] String parsed, 1 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The resource has been successfully moved from 'www/admin' to 'www/admin9530' [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The move procedure has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The command has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Doing command 'INSERT_DEPENDENCY '0' DUMP 'create.sql''... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Starting the insertDependency procedure... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] String parsed, 0 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The dump file 'OVH_TMPCACHE_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742/create.sql' has been loaded, it will now be parsed... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Parsing string with 20 keywords... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] String parsed, 3 occurences have been found and replaced [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The dump file 'OVH_TMPCACHE_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742/create.sql' has been parsed, it will now be inserted in the dependency 'mysql'... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The dump file 'OVH_TMPCACHE_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742/create.sql' has been successfully parsed and inserted in the dependency [2021-10-31 02:11:22] The command has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] All the procedure has been successfully executed [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Starting callback because of: The installation has been done successfully [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Building POST request to the callback system... [2021-10-31 02:11:22] End of callback log [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Get events config from /etc/ovh-event/moduleCredentials.json [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Decode events config [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Check events config [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Prepare and sign request [2021-10-31 02:11:22] Send request (attempt 1) [2021-10-31 02:11:32] Send request (attempt 2) [2021-10-31 02:11:47] Send request (attempt 3) [2021-10-31 02:12:07] Send request (attempt 4) [2021-10-31 02:12:32] Send request (attempt 5) [2021-10-31 02:13:02] Can't send the POST request to the callback system because of 'Can't connect to 'http://prod.gra1.api-event.webhosting.lb.gra-1.containers.ovh.net' because of 'The sub timed out while on watchdog'' [2021-10-31 02:13:02] Trying to restore everything... [2021-10-31 02:13:02] Starting the purge of the module folder... [2021-10-31 02:13:02] Force mode enabled: the folders will be completely removed no matter if they are empty or not [2021-10-31 02:13:02] Files archive located at 'OVH_TMPCACHE_2021-10-31at02.09.34.0-742/files.tar' [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/init.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/init.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/public/bundle.js' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/public/bundle.js' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/favicon.ico' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/favicon.ico' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/searchcron.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/searchcron.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/ajax.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/ajax.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/robots.txt' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/robots.txt' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/import/index.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/import/index.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/import/.htaccess' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/import/.htaccess' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/ajax_products_list.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/ajax_products_list.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:02] The file 'www/admin/autoupgrade/backup/index.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'www/admin/autoupgrade/backup/index.php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:11] 2469 files have not been removed (only the first ten are shown) [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/upgrade/sql' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/upgrade/php' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/upgrade/classes' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/upgrade' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/theme/views' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/theme/js' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/theme/img' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/theme' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/sandbox' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The resource 'www/install/langs/vn/img' does not exist [2021-10-31 02:13:16] 465 folders have not been removed (only the first ten are shown) [2021-10-31 02:13:16] The purge of the module folder has been done successfully [2021-10-31 02:13:16] Starting to restore the dependencies backups... [2021-10-31 02:13:16] Restoring the 'mysql' dump... [2021-10-31 02:13:17] The MySQL database has been successfully flushed then restored [2021-10-31 02:13:17] All dependencies dumps have been restored [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/index.php' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/.htaccess' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/.ovhconfig' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/index.html.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/index.php.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/.htaccess.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Won't restore (rename) 'www/.ovhconfig.ovh.old' because: No such file or directory [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Everything should have been restored [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Starting deletion of the temporary directory... [2021-10-31 02:13:17] Temporary directory successfully removed [2021-10-31 02:13:17] End of log